ZN23-40.5 series indoor high-voltage vacuum circuit breaker isdesigned for rated voltage of 40.5kV, three-phase AC 50Hz indoorhigh-voltage distribution devices. lt can be matched with switchgearsuch as JYN1-35, GBC-35 and is suitable for control and protectionin power generation plants, substations, and other powerdistribution systems, especiallyin places with frequent operations.The vacuum circuit breaker is handcart-type, featuring a rationalstructure, easy maintenance, and safe and reliable use. lt can beequipped with CD10-Ⅱl electromagnetic operating mechanism orCT19-BN spring operating mechanism.
Ambient condition
Ambient air temperature: Upper limit +40°C, lower limit -10°C, extremely cold regions-25°C.Relative humidity: Daily average ≤95%; monthly average ≤90% (+25°C);Saturated vapor pressure: Daily average ≤2.2×10-3MPa, monthly average ≤1.8×10-3MPa.
Seismicintensity:Not exceeding 8 deqrees.
Not suitable for places with flammable, explosive, chemically corrosive, and severe vibration conditions.