ZN63(VS1)-24 is a series of indoor high-voltage vacuum circuitbreakers for three-phase AC power systems with a rated voltage of 24kV and a frequency of 50Hz. lt serves as an indoor switchingdevice for power grid equipment and industrial and mining powerequipment, providing protection and control. The circuit breaker issuitable for frequent operations at the rated current or for multipleinterruptions of short-circuit currents. lt features an operatingmechanism and a dedicated propulsion mechanism, forming atrolley unit for specific applications.
Ambient condition
Altitude: ≤2000m (lf increased altitude is required, the rated insulation level should be correspondinglyincreased).
Ambient air temperature:Upper limit +60’C, lower limit -40°C.
Seismicintensity:Seismic intensity ≤8 degrees.
Average dailyrelative humidity:≤95%, monthly average ≤90%.Suitable for places without fire, danger, severe pollution, chemical corrosion, and severe vibration.